Export to netherlands

Export to netherlands

To export product to European Union countries you require CE mark certified product. To get CE mark from European Union Approved Notified Bodies, we can help you to get certified your products to easily export to European Union Countries. CE mark products certification work like passport to European Union Market. Certificate of State Registration in the Territory Attention! In coming into force from 01.07.2010 The Customs Union - Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus on sanitary measures the issuing of sanitary-epidemiological conclusions is stopped. Document, confirming the quality and safety of the product, now would be a certificate of state registration of the Customs Union (CSR CU), which will be valid on the territory of the Customs Union of the three countries (Russia, Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan). Russian Federation launches the new service of certification state registration of ustoms Union (CU SGR). How will be valid sanitary-epidemiological conclusions issued prior to 1.07.2010? Sanitary-epidemiological conclusion and certificate of state registration, which were issued before the 1st of July of this year, will be valid in Russia until the 1st of January of 2012. BUT! Please note that they will be valid only on Russian territory, will not - on the territory of other states-participants of the Customs Union - Kazakhstan and Belarus. Till the 1st of January, 2011 will be available the documents that were issued previously for product confirmation of safety requirements, bringing forward by a national law of one of the Custom Union states (in Russia - the certificate of state registration). These documents will have coverage only on the territory of the state issuing such a document. In Russia during this year it will be possible to issue certificates in accordance with the laws of Russian Federation, confirming the state registration. What documents will be issued instead of sanitary-epidemiological conclusions?

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