Export to Denmark

Export to Denmark

To export product to European Union countries you require CE mark certified product. To get CE mark from European Union Approved Notified Bodies, we can help you to get certified your products to easily export to European Union Countries. CE mark products certification work like passport to European Union Market. Export to Denmark CE Mark Services Responsibility for CE marking belongs to whom? The product is CE marked manufacturer is responsible for its introduction in the EU countries. However, it is not the manufacturer or manufacturer's authorized representative in the European Union, the importer pass this responsibility. In this case, the importer, to ensure that the products imported to the EU norms is becoming a necessity. How to Affix the CE Marking? Products covered by New Approach Directives "low-risk products" and "high-risk products" are considered as two different groups. Directive which is stated on the products coming into the group, or can be determined through testing organizations. For low-risk products, the manufacturer of the product if it is appropriate to identify the relevant directive and, if appropriate editing the product of a declaration of conformity CE marking ili?tirebilmektedir. Where a manufacturer to identify the product or its suitability directive taking into account also the establishment of a test device are free to test. For high-risk products, the manufacturer's built-in absolute terms but also in other countries in EU member states which branch or representative office "Notified Body" lara have to address. Referenced in the "Notified Body", ie testing and / or certification bodies as a result of the test will be found to comply with the relevant directives of the product. Based on this decision, by editing the product manufacturer declaration of conformity CE marking attach.

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