How to Prevent Algae

How to Prevent Algae

How to Prevent Algae

Algae comes off as a major threat in various water systems such as cooling towers, swimming pools, fountains, water bodies etc. Algae usually appears as a slimy green microbial load attached to the surface of floor and vertical bodies of a tank, cooling tower, pool etc. The deposition of algae in Heat transfer surface of Heat exchanger, called biological fouling of heat exchanger, is a major problem that causes loss of power, time and production. Algae interferes with heat transfer operation of cooling cycle which tend to reduce the efficiency of Heat transfer thereby resulting in direct / indirect commercial losses. Obviously the remedy to the problem is the removal of the algae – which is easy but the difficult part is to keep the algae from coming back. To achieve this, one needs to use the right product to help in the removal and prevention of the algae from coming back. The type of products that can carry out this job are oxidising biocides, non-oxidising biocides, biodispersants, algaestat, etc. Chemtex Speciality Ltd manufactures all the kinds of products that are required to help in the preventio of algal formation.

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