Slit Lamps

Slit Lamps


Zoom Binocular Microscope with Continous Magnification from 7x to 30x

Slit Lamp Rotation 0-180o
Tilting llumination Upto 20o
Filter Disc Cobalt Filter, Green Filter, Yellow Filter, Two open apertures.
Slit Diaphragm Disc Six aperture of 12,9,7.3 and 0.2 mm and a wedge shape diaphragm for infinitely variable slit lengths.
Halogen Bulb 6V 20W with variable light intensity control knob.

Standard Accessories

6V 20W Halogen Bulb (Two Pieces)
Coated Mirror Hurby Lens
Plastic Breath Shield Testing Rod
Dust Cover Fuse


  • By attaching CCD Camera with microscope and Image Grabbing Card fitted in the computer, operation can be recorded and printout can be taken for future use.

  • By attaching CCD Camera on microscope, T.V is used for teaching & demonstration purpose.

  • By attaching Assistant Scope, one can see the five operation.

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