Emu Adult breeders

Emu Adult breeders


We have large quantity Emu breeder pairs. The breeder range starts from 3 rd time eggs laying birds to 6th time eggs laying birds. All the birds are fully healthy and due to all periodically medical treatment. All the birds are laying more then 20 eggs per year. Our entire team is w3ell trained in servicing our customers so far as periodical medical treatment is concern our team is well trained and good handling the birds. The team is fully trained to load unload and injuctioning the birds as and when it required. We take full care for its maintaining food quality, neatness in the farm. Clean water is serve to all Emu birds.


We delivered the bird at customers door step around the world. We also make buyback contract with the customers for purchasing their eggs and chicks. We offer the quality bird to all our farmers and our continuous guidelines and tips helps them to offer more yield from Emu birds. We provide all medicines and veterinary services at farmers place. Our5 breeder management is so practical and we have made it so simple that any farmer can practice independently. Our objectives to generate maximum results in terms of getting more eggs training getting maximum result from hatcheries plant in all the circumstances farmer should grow substainely.




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