Yellow Traps

Yellow Traps

(Sticky Trap, Pheromone Trapper, IPM (Integrated Pest management)
Small flying insects, pests are attracted by the unique yellowcolor and stick to the non-­drying glue coating the trap.
Many insect pests are difficult to control with insecticides. By catching the winged adults with Yellow Sticky Traps before they reach the plants, the build up of pests will be delayed. Existing insect populations may also be reduced. If the problem is severe biological controls may be used.
Yellow sticky traps are a non toxic way to control and monitor:
1. White flies
2. Aphids
3. Jassids
4. Thrips
5. Onion fly
6. Fruit flies
7. Cucumber beetles
8. Fungus gnats
9. Leaf hoppers
10. Frog hoppers
11. Moths
12. Flea beetles
13. Leaf miners
14. Cabbage white butterfly
As an integral part of integrated pest management program they can be used in commercial crops, greenhouses, homes, orchards, flower and vegetable gardens, anywhere insects are a problem.
Silent features:-
The glue does not dry out and the traps will last until the surface area is completely covered with insects, even through rain. They store indefinitely until you need themand it is non poisonous and weatherproof.

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