Ashwayastee Tablets

Ashwayastee Tablets

Medicine for Height & Weight
(1 teblet twice a day after food)
Growing children need best tonic for overall proportionate development. Ashwayashtee is designed for growing children as fittness tonic & for all ages as a calcuim tonic.
For height gain Ashwayashtee can be used till the age of 21 only. Use at least for 3 to 4 months regularly & give the feedback to our project.
For hunger, good apetite, strengthening bones & proportionate height & weight take tonic Ashwayashtee 1, Tanvishataa 2, Vatshaanti 1 twice a day.
School children, college students consult Tanvi doctors & get good results for height & weight gains.
For weightgain Tanvishataa 2, Ashwayashtee 1 is a good tonic.
In Complaints like calcium deficiency gastric complaints, bodypain, kneepain, joints pain, cramps, numness, weakness, Tanvishataa 2, Vatshaanti 1 & Ashwayashtee 1 is advisable.
Only for height gain Ashwayashtee is to be used it with luke warm water & for weight gain use it with milk or butter.
For strengh, stamina, sperm count disorders etc. Tanvishataa 2, Vatshaanti 1, Ashwayashtee 1 & Tanvigorex 1 can be taken regularly.

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