Lumber Sacro Belt

Lumber Sacro Belt

Lumber Sacro Belt
Smile's bio-magnetic sacro belt is very effective for back injuries and chronic back pain due to slipped disk, stretched muscles, deranged spine.
helps control obesity and overweight.
improves muscle tones.
help relieve stiffness in joints due to strain and exertion.
supports the spine.
improves bowel movements and relieves constipation.
stimulates a clogged liver and improves its activity.
relieves stomach ache and stomach upsets.
regulates the acid-base balance.
improves digestion.
enhances the kidney functions.
can be worn on the stomach for digestive & urinary problems.
Salient Features:-
Smile bio-magnetic sacro belt is sewn in unique and  attractive black velvet cloth for comfortable use.
specially designed flexible magnets, having required magnetic power that is magnetized in specific magnetic pattern for greater results.
light in weight and inconspicuous in use.

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