We have gained expertise in making available Concentrating Solar Power Systems to the esteemed clients. Excellent power generation is the best attribute of Concentrating Solar Power Systems which we offer. A solar thermal collector is a solar collector designed to collect heat by absorbing sunlight. The more complex collectors are generally used in solar power plants where solar heat is used to generate electricity by heating water to produce steam which drives a turbine connected to an electrical generator. The simpler collectors are typically used for supplemental space heating in residential and commercial buildings. A collector is a device for converting the energy in solar radiation into a more usable or storable form. The energy in sunlight is in the form of electromagnetic radiation from the infrared (long) to the ultraviolet (short) wavelengths.
Lowest-cost solar electricity for large-scale power generation
An enormous readily available source of energy
Can be used everywhere, and can, in principal, satisfy most of the energy demand from a renewable, safe and clean resource
Concentrating solar collectors are very efficient and can completely replace the electricity traditionally produced by fossil fuel power plants
Flabeg glass mirrors
Trough Collectors (single- axis tracking)
Heat-Collection Elements
Drive controller
Known For
High optical and tracking accuracy
Low heat loss
Manufacturing simplicity
Reduced weight and cost
Increased torsional and bending stiffness under wind and loads
Corrosion resistance
Reduced field erection costs
Industries where this product is used : Domestic, Industrial and educational institutions
Packaging available : Carton box

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