Sunarin Capsules

Sunarin Capsules

1. Relieves constipation, checks \\\"gas\\\" formation, regulates bowel habits. 2. Regularises liver functions & overcomes portal congestion. 3. Relaxes distention & painful discomfort at the junction of rectum & anus. 4. Checks bleeding & prevents blood losses. 5. Overcomes venous stasis and tones up venous walls. 6. Combat & cure hemorrhoids, anal fissures, rectal inflammation & piles. Sunarin Capsules contains : 1. Vekhand, Belkachari, Suran, Chitrak & Hirda : Relieves constipation & regulates bowels. 2. Kuda, Indrajav, Vekhand, Sunth & Mire : Improves liver function, relieves portal congestion and also have anti-flatulent action. 3. Suran, Chitrak, Mocharas & Shankhjeera : Improves tone of anal region. 4. Belkachari, Kajjali, Kuda, Suran & Indrajav : Possess healing properties, they also overcome stasis. 5. Nagkeshar, Kuda, Indrajav, Mocharas,Suran & Kajjali : Possesses hemostatic and styptic actions. Indications : Internal & External piles, Stasis in rectal region, Rectal inflammation, post operatively to check pile and fistula in-ano. Contra-Indications : Pregnancy & Hypersenstivity to any ingredient. COMPOSITION

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