Hotel Surya Mcleod

Hotel Surya Mcleod

Ensconced in the comforting shadows of the Dhauladhar range, Surya Mcleod is an embodiment of the scenic beauty and serene splendor that characterizes McLeodganj - an energetic tourist center and the pristine seat of "His Holiness The Dalai Lama". The welcoming warmth of Surya Mcleod embraces travellers from all walks of life... always.
An elegant, tasteful hotel, it boasts of exquisite architecture, sophisticated interiors and services that all have a personal touch to them. So, whether you are a business delegation, a honeymooning couple, a family on a summer vacation, or simply a soul in search of adventure, spiritualism, or your inner self, you would be bound to have a wonderfully, fulfilling holiday with Surya... making you want to come back.. soon!

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