Safed Musli

Safed Musli


Details :

Botnical Name :Chlorophytum Borivilianum

Hindi Name: Safed musli,Land-calotrops

Common Name : Musli White,safed Moosli,safed,Moosla

Latin Name :Chlorophytum Borivilianum 

Sanskrit Name :Swetha Musli

Tamil Name :Taniravi Thang 

Telgu Name :Swetha Musli  

Malayalam Name :Shedheveli 

Marathi Name : Safed Musli 

Gujarati Name :Dholi Musli   

Arabic Name :Shaqaqule

Marathi Name :Safed Musli      

Kannada Name :Dravanti

Part Used : Tuberous Root


  1. It is also regarded as an energy booster in asthmatic conditions. The roots of the herb are also used to strengthen the general immune system of the body.
  2. Safed musli proves useful as a nutritive tonic for both the mother and the fetus, during pregnancy and is also used to replenish the body fluids during the post-partum stage.
  3. It has many health promotional benefits. It is used to control and prevent obesity and its side effects.
  4. Research has indicated that the plant species is used for curing diabetes and arthritic conditions.
  5. Its regular use causes increase in the level of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL or good cholesterol) and decrease in the plasma and hepatic lipid profiles.
  6. <font face="\\\\&quot;\\\\'Trebuchet" ms\\\\',="" sans-serif\\\\"="">Apart from rejuvenating the reproductive system, the herb prevents premature ejaculation and is also used in chronic leucorrhoea.

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