Blood Sugar Control Syrup

Blood Sugar Control Syrup

Product Code: ALOE DIB
Ayurvedic Aloe Vera Juice provided us includes medicinal herbs like Madhunashini (Gymnema Sylvestre). It is used since the ancient period for the treatment of many diseases and is much more beneficial than the medicines without any side-effects.
Salient Features of Aloe Dib:
ALOE DIB boosts the immune system and helps to regulate blood sugar levels in diabetic people.
Aloe Vera Controls Blood Sugar
Aloe Vera Stimulates the pancreas
Gymnema Sylvestre Helps proteins breakdown resulting lower blood sugar
Aloe Vera and Gymnema Improves responsiveness in tissues towards insulin
Aloe Vera Boosts the immune system
Aloe vera Stimulates natural healing mechanism of the body
Designed for both Type I and Type II diabetes
Twice a day preferably on empty stomach.

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