Electrostatic Air Filters

Electrostatic Air Filters


We manufacture highly advanced Electrostatic Air Filters that are used for removing particles from the exhaust gas stream of various industrial processes. Basically its process involves combustion, but it can either be another industrial process that is capable of emitting particles to the atmosphere. The process used in Electrostatic Air Filters precipitators is a combination of six simple activities
Ionization – First of all particles get charged
Migration – Then charged particles get transported to the collected surface
Collection - Precipitation of the charged particles onto the collecting surfaces
Charge Dissipation - Neutralizing of charged particles takes place on the collecting surfaces
Particle Dislodging – Removes particles from collecting surface to hopper
Particle Removal – Particles collected at hopper conveyed to the disposal point
Being one of the leading Industrial Electrostatic Air Filters Precipitators Suppliers based in India our precipitators are known for following features
High Collecting efficiency well in excess of 99%
Low Maintenance
Low sensitivity to high temperature and aggressive gases
Low Pressure Drop.

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