Natural White Sesame Seeds

Natural White Sesame Seeds

This type of Sesame Seeds is Natural Sesame Seeds. We directly buy from farmer and send it to our factory to simple cleaning. They are extensively used for oil, confectionaries and as flavour enhancers to various dishes. Sesame seeds are bought on basis of their purity. 
Sesame is a flowering plant in genus sesamum. It is a annual product growing 50 to 100 cm. The world sesame is derived from Latin word Sesamum Indicum. The color of seeds varies from pure black to creamy white to pure white and red. The size of seed its hardness, taste, colour, oil content and its power of resistance to pests entirely depends on the variety of seeds . Generally we procure raw sesame seeds from skilled and efficient crop cultivators within Gujarat. All the natural sesame seeds originate from best quality cultivation and sowing. Natural Sesame seeds are cholesterol free and are helpful to improve the health and nourishment


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