Jivan Zellton Fort Tablets

Jivan Zellton Fort Tablets

Disorders that affect the digestive (gastrointestinal) system are called digestive disorders.Some disorders simultaneously affect several parts of the digestive system, whereas others affect only one part or organ.Some symptoms, such as diarrhea (see Diarrhea in Adults), constipation (see Constipation), bleeding from the digestive tract (see Gastrointestinal Bleeding), regurgitation (see Regurgitation and Rumination), and difficulty swallowing (see Difficulty Swallowing), usually suggest a digestive disorder. More general symptoms, such as abdominal pain (see Acute Abdominal Pain and see Chronic and Recurring Abdominal Pain),passing of gas (flatulence—see Gas), loss of appetite (see Loss of Appetite), hiccups (see Hiccups), and nausea, may suggest a digestive disorder or another type of disorder. Chest or back pain (see Chest or Back Pain) usually suggests another type of disorder but sometimes is caused by a digestive disorder

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