Humic Acid

Humic Acid

HCI - 16%GR (Humic Gel)  - 16%GR (Humic Gel) in the form of humic acid formed by the decaying of organic matter in the mines. It contains extract of residues of vegetation, cowdung manure, biochemic & microbial reaction products and all sorts of bio-products. These extracts are when given to plants, absorb immediately and keep plant healthy and flourish, the result productivity increases. In seed germination process – humic gel supplies immediately all required minerals, hormones and enzymes to the seeding so that enzymatic process starts well in time which makes proper growth of root & shoot prolification. Humic gel keep balance of all nutrients in the plant, this helps in absorption of nutrients, insecticides & fungicides. It also maintain temperature of the plants. It is widely used in Europe, America, Israel and India for seed germination, Plant plant growth regular and proper development of flowers & fruits.

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