Hand Knitting Yarns

Hand Knitting Yarns

Our hand knitting yarns are autoconed, spliced, knotless, twisted on TFOs. We have a wide product range : solids and prints, we are making  tow dyed yarns on cones/ balls with extra softness (customers can steam cones to make  ball in house). We are also making hank dyed yarns for smaller lot size requirements.  we understand the need of the person who knits with great care, patience and puts in hard labour behind hand knit garments. Your own ideas and requirements can be met with any kind of made-to-order hand knit yarns. We are suppliers to leading brands in the world and have our brand well established in indian market. We have developed special low pill and anti pill, micro deniers hand knitting yarns. We also produce stretch yarns and acrylic wool (luxury blends with merino wool) and acrylic nylon blends , fancy yarns , for hand knitting. Balls of all sizes 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 500 gram are available, classical as well dough nut balls are available, packaging as per customers requirement, special packaging and kits are also available, unshrunk dyed yarns are available on 8 inch and 10 inch cones with package weight till upto 5 kgs. We have specialized printing section with all possible printing technologies, namely: degrade prints, roller prints ( where we can make smart yarns - the yarn automatically knits into a jacquard pattern ) and special spray chromatic prints ( printed melange, dots , denims , tweed , hand painted effects ,  etc) . Degrade prints are available from 2 to 8 color combination in long, medium, short prints and spot prints (small spots), roller prints and spray chromatic upto 6 colors combination. 


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