

Product name: Zeaxanthin

Original plant: Flower of Tagetes erecta L.

ChemName: beta-Carotene-3, 3'-diol,β-carotene-3, 3-diol, Meso-zeaxanthin

Specification: 5%-50%

Appearance: Orange powder

Molecular Formula: C40H56O2

Molecular weight: 568.88

CAS No.: 144-68-3

Function and Application: Zeaxanthin is less common in the human diet-coming from certain orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, Meso-zeaxanthin is not found in the normal human diet, and is thought to originate from Lutein. The high concentrations and specific uptake of the macular carotenoids is mediated by specific binding proteins that draw them into the tissue and stabilize them.

Studies have shown that eating lutein-and zeaxanthin-rich foods or taking supplements of these carotenoids canrestore macular pigment density, which declines with age .In fact, one such study of advanced macular degeneration patients who were taking high-dose lutein supplements(4mg or more per day) experienced normal levels after a few months. A Harvard-led study demonstrated that eating lutein-rich foods five days per week meant subjects were eight times less likely to develop macular degeneration compared to those who consumed the same foods just once per month.

Packing: 25kg/Fibre drum with double plastic-bags inside; or as customer's request.

Storage Condition: Sealed, kept in a shady & dry place.

Shelf Life:24 months under the previously mentioned conditions and in its original packaging.

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