Sell Sanding Belts

Sell Sanding Belts

Anabrasivebeltis used in woodworking and metal work. Theabrasivebeltis often referred to as a sandingbeltor sandpaperbeltand is used to smooth out a rough surface finish. In many instances, theabrasivebeltmight be used to actually shape a piece or create a part from a larger piece of stock by grinding the piece to a desired size and shape. Typically fitted around two or more rubber wheels and driven by an electric motor, theabrasivebeltis an important component in most work shops.

Theabrasivebeltis constructed by gluing roughabrasiveparticles onto a cloth or paper-likebeltin a circular configuration. Thebeltis constructed to give the operator a durable, long-lasting product to work with. Theabrasivebits used on the surface of thebeltare applied in differing sizes, which are known as grits. The larger the grit or number of grits given to abelt   . A higher grit rating also reflects a lesser number ofabrasivebits on thebelt<span lang="\&quot;EN-US\&quot;" style="\&quot;font-size:" 10.5pt;="" font-family:="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" \"="">.

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