Organic Manure

Manufacturers Exporters and Wholesale Suppliers of Organic Manure Hubli Karnataka
We are engaged in manufacturing, distributing and supplying highly effective Organic Manure to the customers. Our Organic Manure helps in improving the soil carbon content. We have garnered high appreciation for our Organic Manure, which is provided under the brand name of Kissan Shakti. Our experts have checked the Organic Manure under stringent quality tests. Product details : Well decomposed organic matter fortified with vermi-compost, neem cake, castor cake, pongamia cake, etc. Contains n fixing bacteria ??? azatobactor, azosprillium, psb and trichoderma. Features : High quality product available in free flowing dark brown / black powder form Better root proliferation Helps improving soil health, increases use efficiency of applied as well as natively available nutrients Improves soil health, repels soil borne insects and imparts tolerance to certain diseases The organic manure helps in improving the soil physical, chemical and biological properties there by it increases the fertility and productivity status of soi

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