Bee Control

Bee Control

Our buildings are near to the gardens, trees. Bees can cause painful stings and even death too. Their sting cause heavy pain and produce histamine and can cause anaphylaxis which can cause swelling, breathing problem and drop down in BP. If one bee attacks the person the other bees attack in huge amount.
Humans are attractive to bees, as bees build their hives in tree hollows. In building the hives it may be in the residence in your home, yard, or vehicle.There are steps you can take to get rid of them. They active during the day, so it is best to deal with hives in the dark.
Dealing with bees which are living in your home is easy or difficult, depending on the hive which is exposed in or out.
In the event of a nest inside the walls, you may need to call a professional. Under no circumstances should you plug the entry point, as this may lead any bees in the hive to seek another exit, possibly into your living areas.
Treatment involves the introduction of an insecticide and spray into their nest through the entry tunnel.
We dress in huge protective clothing and spray an exposed hive with pesticides in the night to avoid stings.
Watch the hive in the morning and evening and the next day again spray if it is necessary.
Once we are sure the bees are dead we remove the hive to avoid the risk of honey before causing damage to the walls.
Keep Children away
Keep Garbage secure and locked
Keep Windows and Doors Closed
Keep sweet and sticky foods stored securely.

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